Month: March 2016

How to Find Your Personal Style

  For me finding my style has always been a challenge, from the witty graphic tee phase to the skater girl phase (thanks to Avril Lavigne) to the “I’m desperately trying to…

A Very Chill Dinner Party With Chef Mina Stone

There are many elements of Charlotte D’Alessio’s life that read like a teenager’s fairy tale. Instagram didn’t exist when I was in high school, but I imagine I’d be pretty fascinated by…

How To Be Single

To be completely honest I never intended to take the title of this post literally, it was supposed to be a funny-ish, semi-motivational, “what I learned whoo-hoo crap from the movie of…

The Truth about Friendship in your 20’s

  When we were kids making friends was easy for the most part, I  distinctly remember being friends with a  girl because her name was Deborah too, we had the same earrings…

A practical guide to Self Love

Lately, the concept of self-love has been on my mind, I’ve noticed that it has become so easy for us to look at other people and fall in love with their lives…