Tag: advice

Photo by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash

Surviving Exam-MANIA

As all students in University and College know April is exam-mania. Prioritizing final assignments and papers along with starting to study for exams gets old very quickly. It is no surprise that…

Signs you need new friends

  The people you choose to have in your life are so important.  They can elevate you, encourage you, push you to reach your full potential and live your best lives.  However,…

Why Ambition is not Enough + Tools to get you Hired

Ambition is a necessary ingredient for career success. It’s what motivates you to move forward, and without it, progress cannot occur. However, by itself, ambition is not enough to succeed and you’ll need…

 7 things I wish I knew as a Freshman

It’s weird to say that I will be graduating University soon. After watching too much way too many movies, I thought college/university was a time for sorority parties and meeting my lifelong…

How to Pick a Career in your Twenties

I was sitting on a tatami mat in Japan having a good, old chat with my girlies. You’ve probably guessed the topic of conversation. We’re having a riveting discourse about current events.…