Tag: Millenial

25 Things To Do Before 25

  I’ve been reading a lot of 25 things to do before 25 lists lately and I’ve also been really big into writing down my goals. One thing I’ve come to realize…

How To Earn Money with your Degree

In my early teenage days, I would earnestly try to mimic my Grandmother’s tone, body language and pretty much everything about her. One day I sat and watched her talk to a…

Things to Know Before Interning Abroad

One of the smartest decisions I have made in college was interning abroad. When I first heard about the opportunity from my study abroad advisor I was very reluctant to go to…

How to gain work experience (without work experience)

  Millennials know the frustrating cycle of applying for a job without having any work experience. Gone are the days of having no experience whatsoever but still ending up with a great…

10 Binge-Worthy Netflix Shows

  10 funny must watch Netflix shows   1. Mindy Project. The show  starts off a bit slow but, give it a shot! 3 episodes in  and I promise you’ll be in love…

5 Guaranteed Wealth Tips Every Millennial Can Follow

I learned everything I know about money from my parents, books, and life experiences. They taught me that I either had to take control of my finances and become financially free or…

Important skills to develop in your Twenties

  Your twenties are a time of general confusion, mixed in with some “what am I doing with my life?” type questions and that’s okay. However, they are also a time of…