The Ultimate Guide to Traveling with Friends

Travelling with someone is undoubtedly one of the best ways to travel. Paige and I met while I was on exchange at Edinburgh University and we began planning to travel since the…

Beach hacks and tips

Beach Hacks You Need to Know

If you have the opportunity to take advantage of the sunny weather this time of year, head to the beach! I was fortunate enough to go on vacation with my family and…

Things to do in toronto|cocktailsand ambition

Things to do in Toronto

Visiting Toronto? Here’s What You Must Do I was lucky enough to have my Californian friend, Paige, visit for a few days this month. For her visit, I knew I had to…

Taking The Time to Date Yourself

Picture this: it’s a Friday night, you’ve just finished a hard week of school or work and all you want to do is relax and have some fun. You text your friends…

Spring Clean Your Diet

With spring around the corner, most people take part in some form of spring cleaning, whether it be tidying your junk drawers, donating a bunch of  old clothes, or throwing out the…

Photo by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash

Surviving Exam-MANIA

As all students in University and College know April is exam-mania. Prioritizing final assignments and papers along with starting to study for exams gets old very quickly. It is no surprise that…

5 Signs You Have a Toxic Relationship on Your Hands

Do you have a person in your life right now that does not appreciate you? Are you unhappy when you are with them? Do you avoid spending time with them? Does all…